Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Religious Freedom in NYC

There are alot of issues with the freedom of religion. USA Today published an article concerning the issue of whether or not there should be a Muslim Community Center only 2 blocks away from the World Trade Center site. USA Today states that if anything the new center "honors the values that the terrorists sought to destroy. It also undermines al-Qaeda's attempts to convince Muslims that the United States is at war with Islam, when in fact the USA is the home of religious freedom, including freedom for peaceful Muslims to practice their faith." If we as a nation do not go through with this center, how would that in any way be fair? I understand that the families of the 9/11 tragedy are still suffering but that does not mean to hate or discriminate against all Muslims. That's like saying that all white people should be punished for the past involvement with slavery. USA Today is right in saying that the center should be built. In a way, by putting the Muslim center in that location, it is defying everything that the al-Qaeda were trying to accomplish. I understand that it may be hard to see the positive side to the situation but the public should not discriminate because to single out one religion is constitutionally wrong. The US is seen as a place for equality and freedom of religion which is "one of the core personal freedoms enshrined in the First Amendment." If the center is not built due to the public's outcry, I believe that this would then just be the beginning of many more issues to come.

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