Monday, July 12, 2010

Ken Salazar's Off-Shore Drilling Plan

According to the New York Times in a recent article, Ken Salazar issued "revised rules on Monday for a six-month moratorium on deepwater oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico." He is stating that there needs to be a higher standard of maintenance and control on these oil rigs. However, by putting a halt to oil production in order to take care of these new measures, thousands of jobs are at stake. These ideas should've been implemented from the beginning to prevent oil spills from happening. I mean, the airports have never been the same after September 11th, maybe the oil rigs now off the coast will be paying a heavier price. I agree that there should be some form of measures taken to prevent future oil spills but not at the expense of people losing their jobs just so that a company can cover their tracks and make their name clear.

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